Reunion KAA

9:13 PM

Beberapa hari yang lepas, group whatsapp KAA kecoh lagi. Lepas dah banyak bulan sunyi, akhirnya bising kembali. 

So we were discussing to make a reunion. Benda biasalah kan, nak lepas rindu, nak lepak sama-sama, tanya khabar masing-masing, etc. Aku tak fikir banyak, aku terus setuju nak join reunion tu. Sebab aku masih kat Rengit, dan aku pun tengah free sangat-sangat, jadi aku pun join la the gathering. Pukul 8 malam, kat D'Cabin (dah lama kot idam nak pergi sini, akhirnya dapat jejak jugak! 😂)

To be honest, aku ada rasa gementar sikit waktu on the way nak ke tempat reunion tu. Yelah, aku ni dah la dengan diorang sampai form3 je. Lepas tu aku mana ada contact diorang sangat dah. So aku a bit segan la kalau jumpa diorang. Kotlah diorang lupa cara nak berbual dengan aku ke. Hahaha..

Turns out, it doesn't hahaha. I could say, partially la ~ 🙈

Everything went well, alhamdulillah. My nervous going down rapidly. They are still the same. Sporting, over-friendly, over-excited, and extremely havoc. Tak berubah siaaaa perangai 😂😂

Kitorang pun berbual dan tanya khabar masing-masing, belajar kat mana, dah kerja ke belum, macamana environment kerja, and semua tu lah tanya. Soalan personal pakwe makwe pun tanya (itu wajib! Hahaha)

Bila aku jumpa balik dengan diorang ni, rasa macam ada satu perasaan yang aku tak tahu nak gambarkan macam mana 😅

I mean, we've all grown up. There are changes in places that we used to hang out, there are new personalities that attack each one of us, a lot of perspectives and experiences we've engaged and so much more. And I bet the list will be going on and on as long as we live and breathe. 

You see, bila kita teringat balik how we were back then kat sekolah, we were so young, naive, hot blooded, dumb, and bad tempered. But now? Alhamdulillah my friends and I got survived throughtout the years of developing. 

The things yang aku tak sangka akan terjadi waktu aku kecik-kecik dulu, it eventually happens. Magically. Miraculously. How I see things back then, is totally different dengan how I see things now. 

I was once ada mentality teruk jugak. I thought that a naughty and stubborn child would have no future, would have no friends at the university, would achieve bad results all the time and many other nasty assumption I made towards them.. Turns out, their "present" are better than mine. Way greater than mine. And it taught me a lot. It was kind of a "huge slap" for me to underestimate some of my comrades dulu.

Bila difikirkan semula, I was an annoying girl. Sangat annoying. It was just, nobody said it to my face. Sebab tulah sampai dah nak habis sekolah pun, aku masih berfikiran sempit and selalu nak menang. I was a bad person, man.. If my friends are reading this, I'm truly sorry for everything that I've done to you guys. I really mean it. I want to apologize for every single nasty behaviour, sayings, and reaction that I made to you guys personally or publicly. 😭😭😭🙏

I guess that have taught me a lot. Bila aku didedahkan dengan banyak benda, baru aku tahu, ada banyak lagi benda yang aku tak tahu. 

And that made me to be humble all the time. Don't boast about myself a lot. Don't speak too much. Just do what I wanna do. I don't have to tell people what I'm gonna do. I have to be in the hardships and sacrifice a lot to succeed. I have to be kind to everyone and speak nicely to them. I have to understand that all people are not in the same shoes. I need to remind myself that I cannot underestimate people's abilities and hobbies. I cannot judge them for whoever they are or to be. 

I just need to be myself. To create myself, to discover my potential, my abilities, and my weaknesses. To remind myself good things everyday. To immerse myself with beneficial stuffs. To shower myself with affection. To love my Creator and to be nice to His creation. 

And to love you, F ♥

"Be yourself. God made you the way you are for a reason. Besides, an original is worth more than a copy!" 

Old comrades. About time to unfold the untold. 

Everyone is growing too fast, engaging the world that they didn't know before. Exploring, developing, and discovering are the things that I believe they still do it. And that what makes them today. As a friend, I'm beyond grateful for you to be succeed in everything you do. Keep moving forward, people.

Fara Fasihah,
2018, 28th January

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