Part of a big team

8:28 AM

A few months ago, I have volunteered myself to be part of PKPIM's big team in order to organize their annual event, which is called Mesyuarat Perhimpunan Agung Tahunan (MPAT). It was held for 3 days 2 nights. I got my position as a committee who dealt with the registration and accommodation. I was honoured, alhamdulillah. Despite people may see it as an easy task, it is somehow not. At first, all praises to Allah, He granted me an easy path to just go along the way. I could come to the induction for about two times, maybe? 

Induction, for some people may be a quite difficult to attend, but I managed to come. Maybe because the venue is just around Gombak and Wangsa Maju, so I'm fine with it. What surprise me the most was that, Hakimi Hadi was going to be the Program Manager! I mean, he is still young, the same age with me, yet he was given the trust to do the task. For the national event kotttt. I couldn't be more proud of him. Congratulations, Hakimi. You deserve it. Berjaya atau tak, itu belakang cerita. You are one step ahead, and I'm happy to see that. 

Back to the topic, I would like to thank all of my friends who'd been there for me as well, who accompanied me all the time, and all. I'm very thankful. I hope Allah will grant you His blessings. 

For any preparation of an event, an occasion, or even a ceremony, I'm sure there are a lot of unpleasant stories behind all of that. My team tak terkecuali. In fact, all the team experienced the same thing, I guess. For my role, I have to be the person in charge for the registration. So my name and my phone number appeared on the poster of MPAT. There are four members in my team. Two females and two males. Me and Daniel were in charge for the registration, meanwhile Hana and Mior for the accommodation. 

As for the registration, I'm pretty sure that I worked ALONE. I couldn't put any task at all to Daniel, because if I do, he won't fuc*king do it. I was so frustrated at that time. Guys, please eh, if you are assigned to do a job, PLEASE DO IT! Do not ever, ever, ever troublesome people. You guys better die or don't even volunteer yourself at the first place. My whatsapp was not being replied and heck yeah, even in the group, he didn't respond at all, so I cursed him a lot in front of my close friends. What a bl**dy hell.

As for the accommodation, it was a bit hard since Mior and Hana were not around Gombak at that time. Sadly, Hakimi was being in charge to manage and meet some people to find a place for the muktamirin muktamirat to stay. It was very challenging for us because we still cannot find a place two to three days before the event, but alhamdulillah, somehow they managed it for the participants to stay at the mosque instead. 

My friend, Aqill and the team got in trouble too because they have to deal with the sports. For this year's event, Hakimi wanted it to be held with the games and sports as well. Since some of Malaysian are not so into the sports thingy, it was very difficult for Aqill to find players for each games. He need to consult and discuss with me as well since I do the registration. And the rest is history..

And this is the most unexpected things that could happen to me a day before the event....

My grandmother passed away...

That was very shocking and I was so surprised to listen to that news. Sampai sekarang, I still feel guilty for having a doubt whether to balik kampung or not. I phoned my brother and he advised me to go back home since that was the last time I could see her. So I texted Hakimi and other super committees about what happened to me.  

Sepanjang aku tak ada masa event, Kak Nuna had helped my work a lot. Thanks Kak Nuna. I dont know how to repay your kindness, but I was really grateful that you offered your hand to help. Thank you, and thank you. 

The day two, I got back and I continued my task at night. During the dinner, I could see a lot of faces that I barely recognize and some old friends. I was so happy and relaxed to see them all there, together, from all states. 

Fav - Hewi Gen13

They say Gen13 - BornToBond
Love-hate relationship with KPIJ all the time

The next day, I did my job as usual, taking their attendance in every session. My job became harder since our treasurer said that some costs were lacking somewhere. That was because some of the participants had registered, but they didn't come to MPAT. So they were required to pay back the costs since they had registered but didn't show up.

It started to become messy when some of the group couldn't pay on their behalf. I was so sorry to see all of that. Hakimi and the high committees had to deal with it. And till now, I didn't know what's happening. I hope the debt would not be too high. This is the hardest part of organizing a big event, there would be problems in financial stuffs 😅. And I respect those who became the bendahari 'coz she had to deal with people full of weaknesses. Kudos!

And at that evening, I ended my job. Alhamdulillah. 

For sure, I learned a lot during those hectic days of being part of this big team. 

Everyone in that event had their own story. And I don't want to judge them for what they had become today. Same goes to Daniel just now, at first I judged and I cursed him a lot, but then again, if you keep being silent for the things you've done wrong, don't ever think that people will apologize to you. Be realistic. People wouldn't know unless you tell them (duhh). Anyway, I'd forgotten already what he did, but never mind (for the sake of my stories in blog! hehe). 

Tulang belakang of this gigantic event. Congratulations, everyone. May Allah bless you.

This is one of the memorable experience that happened in my life and I welcome each moment of it. Though it might contain some bad things, I can succumb it anyway. That's part of being in a big team and yeah, in our lives too.

"Acceptance is the key to be truly free" - Unconditional by Katty Perry

Fara Fasihah,

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