Famili uia pj outing time!

9:10 PM

27th September 2016. Tuesday. Sushi King.

Moko why moko. Still not sure and weird in regards to Moko's noise lately. Hahaha. But who cares.

Nak dijadikan cerita, sejak habis muktamar, Moko lebih banyak bising dalam whatsapp dan isyhhh. Entah la. Tiba tiba je haritu dia ajak kita outing sama sama.

Dia kata, ni kan last kita bersama, jadi jom la kita keluar. Celebrate sama sama. Actually, the outing was not well planned.

Cakap gitu gitu tiba tiba je aku dah terpacak kat dlm sushi king. Tak teringin pun nak pergi at first. Sebab hujan dan malas dan aku ade kelas smpai pukul 6. Tapi entah kenapa. Masa seakan berjalan dengan lajunya. Aku tak perasan. Tup tup je kaki dah jejak restoran tu.

Malas ah nak cite lelebih kan.

Maryam said I was a heroin.
Came to rescue her.
For her to get the umbrella of course.

I was not in a very good mood that day. Something happened to me at night before the outing. It was kind of heavy things for me to digest yet to believe in them.

I am sorry. I always do this foolish stupid beahviour. Cant control. Emmm

Okay next!

Lama jugak la tunggu makanan kitorang sampai kan. Cam ape entah tunggu nye tu -_-'

But it's okay.

Dapat makan juga. Aqill shooted some videos and I bet everybody must feel the same way. We're like a happy bunch of people who pretend like we're a family (lol, with the same age!) and yeahhh.

Abah said, "saya bawak anak anak saya pergi makan tapi diorang bayar sendiri"

Yelah2. Weyyy tak semangatnya aku buat post kali ni -.-"

Okay la okay la. Let me saji you with these pictures. Enjoy~

Motif payung: Abah acah acah payung anak anak dia la ni 

Cute yet sweet little princesses of Abah 

P/s: Wide grin I have, for now. Done oral and done most of the assignments and stuffs. Except for Stats! All the best kengkawan! :D

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