Dinner Gen13

12:45 AM


I guess, it's been quite a long time I didn't write.

So today I'm gonna share to you guys about my dinner with my friends and a senior.
Nothing special here. I just wanna let it out for maybe I might forget every inch of precious moment happened that time. I'm not a good writer though. Hahaha who cares baby.

Before 19th April, Ariff ada lah tanya budak2 ni, siapa yang nak join makan KFC, Abg Halmie belanja. Actually, dh lama dh niat Abg Halmie nk belanja kitorg, tapi disebabkan masa dan kekangan yg ada, so terpaksa ditangguhkan. And Alhamdulillah, akhirnye, we can make it happen on 19th April tu.

Aku tak tahu la the real purpose Abg Halmie nak belanja kitorg Gen13 ni. Tapi, Abg Halmie ade ckp, senior2 ni perlu untuk menyantuni adik2, terutama adik2 yg baru join jemaah. Hahaha.. Okay la fine.

Kitorg bertolak dari UIA PJ lepas waktu asar dan terus menuju ke KFC sama2 :)
Sweetnye kitorg, rasa ukhuwwah manis gituww. Bila dh smpai KFC (Nasib baik KFC tak jauh dari UIA), Abg Halmie dh smpai dulu dah. Dia tak naik kereta pun weih, rupanya kereta dy rosak, kat workshop masa tu.

Okay next. Susun2 sikit meja dgn kerusi dlm KFC tu sbb kitorg ramai kan, agak bising dan chaotic jugak la conversation kitorg, ahaha weihh. Jaga sikit thiqah tu. And, ade lah jugak soalan2 yg berjaya keluar drpd adik2 Gen13 ni, kesian Abg Halmie nk jawab semua, ahaks. Aku tak ingat semua soalan. Tapi, aku ingat apa yg aku tanya.

"Abg Halmie kenal ke semua Gen13 yg ade kat sini?"
"Apa pandangan general abg kat kitorg semua? Manja?"


Soalan macam tu pun aku kena pandai play safe, supaya adik2 tak terasa.

And conversation play along after that.

Sampai la waktu nak balik. Yang si Rijal ni suruh la Hewi balik dulu sbb nk masuk solat maghrib dah. Kitorg tunggu bas punye la lama, yelah kan bas mana yang nak datang time maghrib ni kan. Eventually, hewi dgn rijal pun balik sama2 padahal tadi kalau kitorg jalan kaki, dh smpai dulu la kot drpd rijal.

Kitorang balik JALAN KAKI je weih. JALAN KAKI.

Tapi takpe, Ade hikmah rupanya. Seronok tau balik jalan kaki ni sebenarnye. Hahaha.. Aku masih ingat lagi, waktu tu, tengah red light, so semua pakat2 la lari laju2 untuk menyeberang. Alhamdulillah la semua lepas kecuali sorang hewi ni, Aini. Hahaha

Dengan sweetnye, Rijal dan Hewi pun menunggu la si Aini ni untuk seberang jalan klau lampu dh green light. Sweet weih. :)
Mula la sesi usik mengusik si Aini masa jalan tu. Hahaha

Cuak jugak masa jalan kaki tu, takut Pak Guard tak kasi masuk UIA. But, Thank God. Kitorang berjaya jugak sampai UIA dan lepastu bersihkan diri dan solat... Terima kasih for this one of the greatest moment in my life so far.

Sharing di FB oleh Abg Halmie:

: Had dinner with the Gen 13 juniors yesterday.
A question managed to sneak itself out from amongst them, despite my best attempts to refrain from nagging & just concentrate on making it as enjoyable a moment as possibly could within the brief period of time.
Certainly, many unpredictable challenges are up ahead for the new cadres in comparison to the past leaders.
A more resourceful & richly privileged circumstance, the overwhelming external pressures emanating from powerful social trends & popular public figures, the high expectations set upon to succeed as qudwah hasanah (exemplary characters) in a robustly competitive lifestyle & highly volatile complexity of settings,
And even perhaps the matter of navigating well through the 'speed' in which modern life nowdays demands for as core values (maturity-leadership-ethical-calmness-fair/just) in order to handle the diverse perspectives & colourful approaches in the most tolerant of manners & wise (hikmah) in decisions.
May Allah SWT ease the journey, give strength when needed & give compassion when expected.
At the end of the day, what others think of you dont really matter unless it urges you to take steps towards a reformational change for the better.
What really matters is God's opinion for your honest (ikhlas) deeds.

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