Keep Moving Forward

8:52 AM


Last semester holiday, I watched a movie entitled, 'Meet The Robinson'.

I don't know whether you guys have watched it or not. But it had been published since my childhood. Hehe.. So I like it, because it is 3D movie. Like Barbie sokmo :)

There was a scene in that story that touched my heart so much. I realized on something. The scene was when Lewis was asked by the Robinsons family to repair a small handy machine that functioned to put peanuts butter or jam onto the bread by using the shooting method. Something like a pistol.

He tried and tried. At first, he didn't want to but the family insisted. So he just did it. And when he was done with the repairing, he tried to use it. But the small handy machine broke. Of course Lewis was so sad, angry and depressed. He started thinking that he was not a good scientist-to-be. He started thinking nonsense and feeling horrible with himself and a lot of inferiority complex.

But what was happening after that was so surprising. It surprised me. I was so shocked and realized something.

And this was what happened.

The Robinsons family made an applause for him! They clapped their hands for him. For his failure to repair that small thing! And why did they do that? You must be wondering why...

Here it is, the answer.

Because we can learn something from our mistake. Do take a granted from our faults and mistakes and wrongdoings. Maybe some of you clear with what I said and maybe some of you may not.

When we do a mistake, we will have an experience. We will figure out that that particular mistake is not eligible in our lives. I don't know man.. i just don't know how to explain. Sometimes, words and sentences could be so indescribable.

Do ya remember Thomas Alva Edison? His words of being the inventor of lamp? He tried and tried and tried so many times and he failed many times as well. He was being persistent.

His quote : I do not fail in making a lamp. I just succeed to figure out 1000 ways that were not fit to make a lamp.

Indah bukan katakatanya?

That's why I put the topic "Keep moving forward"

It doesn't matter whatever you face, how many times you failed, just KEEP MOVING FORWARD. You don't know what awaits you. Smile :)


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