Winter or Aircond?

7:42 PM

 Sejak kecik, I've always wanted to go to the countries where they have those 4 seasons: winter, spring, fall, summer. Sebenarnya masa mula2 dapat tahu pasal 4 musim ni, aku secara automatik nak merasa pengalaman musim sejuk. Yelah, kat Malaysia ni mana ada salji. Benda yang 'rare' takkan lah kita tak nak cuba, betul tak? 

Tapi lama kelamaan, I wonder if my yearn for snow is really good to me. Growing up as a girl yang ada masalah resdung, yang selalu bersin masa solat subuh, yang tak tahan dengan aircond, yang tak tahan dengan udara sejuk, how am i supposed to endure the suffer in winter??

Another part of me saying, "hmmm probability untuk pergi ke negara yang ada salji ni sangatlah rendah. Kenapa sibuk-sibuk fikir doh?" Ye tak ya jugak kan! Haha

I guess it is what it is. 

But if one day I got the chance to really experience winter, I don't know if I would accept or reject it. Dilema. Aku mungkin accept sebab aku nak immerse in a new situation. Or aku mungkin decline sebab I know I might be suffer from it and menyusahkan orang lain. That's just how life works, no? Sometimes we cannot get what we wish for. I believe Allah wanted to give something better for me, or He just wanted to protect me from dying, who knows.

Being in Malaysia, the thing yang super close keadaanya to salji is AIR CONDITIONER. 

By air conditioner, I mean the one yang kuat gila sejuknya, like dalam hotel, bilik tidur, and perpustakaan UIA :p

Ya Allah, the suhu really got me like "ahhhhhhhh please tinggikan suhu dia please, tak tahan"

And after that, I will keep bersin and hingus and bersin and hingus and bersin and hingus and the cycle keeps going on until I suffer from running nose/selsema/hidung luka (due to hembus hingus kuat sangat). Not only I suffer, but every people around me will too sebab diorang terpaksa dengar aku hembus kuat sangat. It's suffocating. Air conditioner is not really good for me.

But nevertheless, air cond yang aku rasa kat mall, pasaraya, or pejabat are not that bad. Sebab suhu diorang just nice and tak menyeksakan hidung. I'm comfortable to breath and feel the air. It's just nice. Hehe

Tapi if I still wanna keep myself warm even in that nice cold air, I will gladly take my Abe's sweater and wear it lovingly. Bila pakai sweter Abe tu, I feel like he's hugging me. I wish it's real hehe. A very useful present that he ever gave me so far.

Hargai masa sekarang.

I appreciate and am grateful living in Malaysia. A very nice weather for my body and soul (cuma sometimes jela terlebih panas, I mean CLIMATE CHANGE) 

May this peace keep long lasting in Malaysia. And I hope that this country will operate and be guided by dedicated and humble lineup of politicians who are keen to help all people in this society. All. Including indigenous people. Let's pray.

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