Linguistics Last Class

4:15 PM

Semalam 15 Mei ialah hari terakhir aku ada kelas untuk semester ni. Aku tak tahu perasaan dia macamana sebab dari satu sisi yang lain, aku fikir "yeayyy takde kelas lagi so I don't have to worry about going to class late" atau. Dari satu sisi yang lain. I was thinking, "Ohh mann, bosannya dah takde kelas, tak dapat dengar celoteh lecturer, tak dapat jumpa kawan-kawan, tak dapat la nak lari daripada masalah hati dan perasaan (sebab nanti ayik teringat-ingat) and so on.."

Apa-apa pun, aku enjoy gila kelas terakhir semalam. Well, kitorang takdelah belajar pun. Just nak habiskan presentation berbaki daripada kawan-kawan which is tinggal dua group lagi. And you know what? We do have a lot of fun! :D

The last two group presenters are so damn good and brilliant! They had their own way to present their topic in a way that we would never think of....

Group pertama is all boys and they made like a puppet show..? Korang tahu kan yang which is there is a background and the puppet will show up and act. Like a puppet sketch! They used their hands to be covered with sock! And ada lagilah watak patung kertas yang digunakan. 

I know right. Boys can be cute and creative sometimes :'D 

Dan sepanjang sketch tu berlangsung, ada la scene-scene yang lawak, hambar dan lawak gilaaaaaa. Ada sorang budak lelaki ni cuba untuk cakap Kelantan, I thought he is a Kelantanese because he sounded like one (his melody though), turns out, we laughed at him sebab banyak perkataan yang salah! Hahahaha. Takpe lah. Dia try hard kot. Sure we have fun watching the sketch. :)

Next group terdiri daripada perempuan semuanya. Yang ini pun superb gilaaa. They are creative and banyak akal jugak weii. Macam biasa, they present their topic with slides and all. Dan diorang pun ada sketch! Short yet packed with emotion! They are all talented. 

Each one of them try to speak more than two languages here. Mula-mula, cakap Thailand, lepastu cakap Cina, then cakap Jepun pulak. Perhhhhhhhhhh. Yang perempuan cakap Thai and Cina tu sebab dia memang belajar dari kecik. Yang Jepun ni pulak sebab dia selalu tengok anime (kalau tak salah aku la). 

Apa-apa pun, aku rasa group ni paling lama masa yang diambil untuk present, haha! Sampai dah habis dah pun masa kelas tu. But it's okay sebab kita takde kelas lain pun kan lepastu. So we just go on..

Last performance diorang is bila diorang keluarkan gitar... Dua gitar... Oh God, they're going to sing! They made up the lyrics tapi lagu Chainsmoker la, Closer. 

Diorang kata, since this is the last class, they want to make it memorable and yet they wanted us to cherish the moment by singing with them together. Aku yang suara tak sedap ni pun nyanyi jelah. Aci redah, lantak lah tak sedap pun, tapi still cover-cover jugak suara ni, hahaha!

That's it. The end of our class for this semester. Sebelum keluar kelas, macam biasa la, salam-salaman dengan madam and took photos. Then, I went out and go to Butik instead! Hei, I bought a new tudung by the way! Purple :') Huhu so glad.

Oh ya, before the class ends, Madam ada cakap sesuatu which is quite frequent jugak masalah ni. I mean, yelah, sebab kita budak BENL kan. You know, the misperception, the discrimnation, the mindset of society towards English. 

Bahasa Inggeris bukannya penentu kepandaian seseorang. Kalau ada yang cuba untuk berbual dalam English, orang-orang di sekeliling mesti macam, "Bajet lah kau speaking English.". I mean, what the heck is going on with these people. Aku tak tahu la kalau diorang ni sengaja nak saiko gurau atau kami yang cepat triggered? Dan satu hal lagi yang perlu kau tahu, yes, sometimes English can be so important but that doesn't mean yang kita kena put emphasis on English. Macam aku jugak la, even though aku belajar jurusan English, aku tak seharusnya letak English as priority sebab Malay is still at heart. Oh yes, sebab Bahasa Melayu is my first language and I speak it since I was kid. So I still treasure it, inshaAllah. 

Whatever we do, kita tetap tak boleh nak ubah mindset some people yang Bahasa Inggeris ni bukan bahasa bajet or indikator kepandaian seseorang, trust me. 

Apa-apa pun, there is a long way to go. Madam kata lagi, grab the chance if you happen to meet it sebab opportunity comes once in your life. InshaAllah Madam, we'll try 

Till then, bye! 

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