CFS Merdeka Celebration

12:40 AM

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim peace be upon you guysss!

I was thinking to write this post while waiting for my game to start. Am participating in weaving ketupat though :)

So today is our National Day! Selamat Hari Kebangsaan semua!

Why ketupat on National Day though? Hahaha I dont know. There, the spirit of upcoming Aidil Adha. Hahaha :D

Painting on Stone and Weaving Ketupat. Thanks Saida for the pictures :)

So. There were so many events occurred in CFS for this week. Last night was the closing ceremony and I am very grateful to be there, in AMF Hall with the students of cfsiium, celebrating together the joy and fun :')

Among the activities that being held:
1. Pidato Malay, English, Arabic
2. Mahallah Decoration
3. Choir Competition
4. Video Competition

The Master Ceremony for last night are Elyana and i-don't-know-who. Great job guys for being corageous enough to be the MCs for last night's chaotic event. Hahahaha we were just like kids!

The performance started with the arabic pidato. MasyaAllah if you guys were there with me, I promise that you will be astounded by her performace in the very beginning. She was so sweet and incredible too! But of course, it was hard for us to get the meaning of the pidato since it was in arabic. I was kinda understand it a little bit. Hehe

Next pidato was from IRK student in the category of english. She was so fluent that she made us amazed like hell! From the very beginning untill the end. I think the majority of audiences in the hall did not clap their hands because the outstanding pidato given by that girl. Wooaaah. It was truly amazing guys.

Yes! The next one! The malay one! Hahahaha beware girls. This guy was the only one guy who got first place in pidato! And I must admit that he had a romantic voice, verryyyy romantic voice that almost the girls and boys in the hall felt like wanna passed out! Sheeesshhh. And he was funny too! Even in that pidato, he still could make some spontaneous joke that everyone very pleased to stay focus. This guys was soooo something.

Next, the choir performance by the 3rd place of ABS group. Fochuss! Human Science's society. They made a well done choir. There was one part of this group that I likely remember, which was they paused for a while, while they were singing. Our breath were paused as well, can you imagine?! Hahaha. Second place was taken by the Melex. Law's society. Well the conductor was a friend of mine, Faiz. But people called him Baymax. He was wearing black shades though! Of course that night I shouted and cheered for him. Hihi. The songs that they sang was IM4U and 1Malaysia if I was not mistaken. Both songs are my favourite until now bebeyh.

Israk won the first place for this competition. Congratulations Israk. You did excellence and very well. The girls wore the Mustard tudung and black jubah. While the boys wore the black baju melayu and kain sampin around their body. The brothers used their 'real man' voice. The sisters used their likely soprano voice. Hahaha. It was a great combination and harmonical. They were all good.

Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs and the other Deputy Dean gave a short speech. And officially closed the CFS Merdeka Celebration for this week. And yeahh. A big of a round of applause.

The prizes for all competition to the winners happened after that. The videos, choirs, mahallah decoration, pidatos and many others. Oh not to forget that my mahallah which is Mahallah Zainab Jahsy won the first place! So it was not a waste because the night before last night, they came to my room and set up flags from my window to my neighbour's window. Hardwork paid off. Yeahhh.

So after that, while waiting for the countdown of Merdeka, they showed us some multimedia videos that were made by our own students. They were all very good and talented and smart enough to shoot videos. I bet it. Hahahaha. Well done guys.

The Miew is the band of cfsiium, they made a concert-like last night. The vocalists have a good and nice voices as well :D

10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!

The time has come! The Dean shouted Merdeka! for many times and we were just tailing what he shouted. Then, we cheered and were like 'Woooooooooooooaahhh!!!'

You know, kids. Us. Youngsters. Hahaha.

So then, we sang songs such as Jalur Gemilang, Keranamu Malaysia, and Tanggal 31. While singing, we waved our flags to the air and sang it with joy and patriotic. Our hearts were touched. Seemed like we were all in this together, living in a same land, multiraces and different yet unique culture and behaviour :')

I was thinking, that I will miss this place. The joy. The fun. The happiness. The unity. Brothers and sisters. Work together. The love will remain forever inshaAllah. May Allah bless us all :)

Thanks to the persons, the committies, the superstitions, brothers and sisters, whoever made this celebration ran well, I thank you guys. It was not easy to make an event a successful. But last night, :) You did well. Congratulations guys! You should proud of yourselves! And I am proud of you until now.

P/s: After getting out from the hall, was rushing to the field to help my team to set up the things for sukaneka today. God, got my sweat out!


Merdeka Walk with Suhaila :)

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